Pinelake Prayer Requests


General Reservoir

After 14 years of Marriage, my spouse and I are divorcing. Please pray for healing for both. A lot of new Adjustments are coming and I worry for my spouse. I want him to truly find God and Understand His Goodness, love, mercy & grace.

Robert Cullom

Salvation/Rededication Reservoir

Pray for a man named, Sebastian Junger. He is an atheist. Pray God will make Himself real in his life and he'll trust Jesus!

Anonymous Anonymous

General Reservoir

Pray for Aliyah that the LORD would provide her with strength, courage and protection she needs to step into a new life with Christ.


General Reservoir

Please pray for those who are physically and verbally abusive. Only God can change them


General Reservoir

Praying for a good report from my Oncologist Tuesday, thank you Holy Spirit for cleansing me in Jesus Name. Amen

Mitchell Worthy

Hospitalization Reservoir

Spiritual renewal, strength mentally and physically for not just Mitch but his family as well. Praying for no more surgeries.

Cindy McCraw

General Starkville

In stage 3 kidney failure, I pray for full healing of kidneys and her other health struggles!

Kathryn Jones

General Reservoir

Thank you so much for your prayers, Monday the kids will be coming home. Thank you.

Jennifer Burrell-Rollins

Hospitalization Reservoir

Praying for this to be her cancer cure!

Kathryn Jones

General Reservoir

Court date July 22 @ 9:00 until. Plan is to bring kids hope. Thank you for all the prayers you have prayed and thank you gorgeous the prayers you send for that day. K


General Reservoir

pray for our broken marriages. May they S u r r e n d e r their fight to Jesus and pray for new eyes and ears able to witness how the enemy is exploiting their situation. Wanting nothing but to destroy. Them, their kids and new believers looking on.


General Oxford

One of my close friend’s 10 month old is recovering from a drowning- she was extubated yesterday but still unstable. Please pray for her to stabilize and her tiny body to respond to all the treatments,for the doctors treating her, and for the parents

Dolores StJames

General Madison

Prayers for peace and comfort for our family, especially our children and grandchildren. Prayers for grandson who just graduated from Airforce.

Jeff Simser

General Reservoir

My sister in law, Anna, is having surgery today to remove a tumor around her spinal cord in her neck. I pray that God surrounds her, her family, and the doctors as she goes through this scary journey in her life.


General Madison

I was told last week that the office I work at will be relocated. We will be losing our jobs; that’s about 75 jobs. We all need prayers to find new positions. I trust God to provide. But extra prayers are appreciated

Mitchell Worthy

Hospitalization Reservoir

Continued healing

Chandra Venkatraman

General Reservoir

Pray for food, health, strength. Pray for family relationships to improve, pray for finances and baby sitting jobs.

Lisa Brown

General Reservoir

Please pray for me and my doctors. I’ve been dizzy/off balance since May. My MRI results show a possible benign tumor. Please pray that the neurologist I am referred to is knowledgeable and thorough and able to see me quickly.


General Reservoir

Prayers for my family my Grandmother passed away last night

Shawna Clark

General Reservoir

Pray for our close friends and their marriage: *that they can come together and build closeness in their relationship again *for spiritual breakthrough *for understanding and willingness to work together as parents *for healing within & together

Kelley Stribling

General Reservoir

Please pray that my son will find FT employment either within Disney World or a high end restaurant that will take care of His Needs. That God will open the right door of opportunity for him. Thank you.

Craig Fletcher

Hospitalization Madison

prayers that his stay in rehab would be short

Kimberly Loveall

General Oxford

My husband and I have a huge decision on where we are going to live when he retires in 7 months. we have two choices. pray we get confirmation soon.

Markus Eronen

General Clinton

Pray for Jenni Rastas Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God and the hope of his calling. Pray she would be strengthen by Holy Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in her heart through faith and to know the love of Christ.

Bridgette Ray

General Starkville

Please pray for safe travel for next weekend, and also ask to lift a friend up who just lost his dad. I ask to please pray that I can be more with Christ and help to be patient so he can show me His path I’m supposed to be on. Amen


General Reservoir

Pray for a school friend of mine. He struggles with family loss, and needs the lord. Please pray that the lord can speak to him and reassure him that everything is going to be ok. Pray that he can trust gods plan, and can settle into gods timing.

Sharon Saine

General Starkville

Please Please please pray for my nephew Joey 57 years old had a major heartache. Within the last hour ago . Urgent request. .

Michael Land

Hospitalization Madison

Michael asked for continued healing and JJ asked for strength as she cares for Michael.

Kaitlin Anonymous

General Reservoir

Please pray for my wife's coworker, Kaitlin. Her 22 week pregnancy needs to be terminated because the baby didn't form properly and is expected to only live for minutes. On top of that she needs to leave MS for the Procedure.

Estelle Ford

General Reservoir

There are two poss Teachers for my daughter For 2nd grade. I need prayers that Anna gets the teacher that God wants her to have With the friends that god wants her yo have. 2. That we sell our houses 3. That our marriage Becomes more loving & close

Roxie Hood

General Reservoir

Stancie Ley, a dear friend, coworker, and member of the Reservoir campus, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Please pray for her daughters and grandchildren as they navigate this heartbreaking loss. She loved God, and we will all miss her dearly.

Sandra Patterson

General Reservoir

A child on Hartfield cheer has fallen in a cheer stunt and has a broken back. Her name is Ann Marie Hall. Please pray for healing. She is in a lot of pain. She is at Batson.


General Reservoir

Two relatives are in route 10 hours to pick up my son from an abusive relationship. There are 3 young children involved. Please pray for all involved in this difficult situation. Thank you.


General Reservoir

pray for our broken marriages. May they S u r r e n d e r their fight to Jesus and pray for new eyes and ears able to witness how the enemy is exploiting their situation. Wanting nothing but to destroy. Them, their kids and new believers looking on.

Shelby Thomas

General Reservoir

My mom has been battling stage 4 breast cancer for the last 2 years and doing well. recently she had an abnormal chest xR, so her appt at MD Anderson has been moved up a month. Praying for clear scans on friday and that the chemo is still working.

Felicia Taylor

General Reservoir

Please pray for my Sister Jean Carol Henderson for a complete healing in her Chest,she was in the emergency room yesterday and she needs a complete healing from the power of Jesus.🙏😇

Joe and Donna Anonymous

General Reservoir

Please pray for Donna and Joe. Donna, diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma and throat cancer. Just had first round of chemo. Joe may need to have a kidney removed due to cysts.

Ramon Chavez

Missionaries Reservoir

Thank you Jesus! In need of prayer coverage, 3 weeks to go before I head out with a wonderful group, on a mission trip to take the gospel and love of Jesus into Amazonas of Peru. Prayers for God's protection, empowering of the Holy Spirit, grace, favor, open hearts to receive the good news of salvation, I am believing for god to supply the funds and everything still needed for this trip.

Jennifer Burrell-Rollins

Hospitalization Reservoir

Blood counts to improve and no complications

Jennifer Bassett

Hospitalization Reservoir

Please pray for Dennis Allen, he was involved in an accident at his hunting camp that required surgery to repair several vertebrae and he is not able to walk yet. Pray for his complete recovery through his journey.


General Starkville

Prayers please for my oncology check-up to be clear Tuesday. Lots of anxiety!

Stacy Jones

General Reservoir

Please pray for my cousin who has been battling cancer for 4 years. She is 48, and has two young daughters and a husband she has been married to for many years. She suddenly has become septic and is on the ventilator in ICU.

Jennifer Watts

General Starkville

For the upcoming school year for my twins to have the teacher that has compassion for their learning and patience. For my children to have protection during the year


General Starkville



General Reservoir

Please pray in agreement with me: Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus, knowing that you hear and answer our prayers. We thank you for the privilege of approaching your throne of grace with our requests. We lift up this praye


General Madison

Pray for wife with hypertension and side effects from medications.


General Reservoir

I’ve been struggling a lot with anxiety. Please pray that God will give me peace and calm my mind.


General Starkville

Update! My nephew Joey (57) is going to have triple bypass surgery on Friday. He needs prayer not only for his surgery but needs assurance of his salvation that only he can receive. Please pray for his break through.

Lauren Griggs

General Reservoir

Please keep my parents in your prayers, they are going through some difficult times right now.


General Madison

I pray for our country and former President Trump

Terri Langham

General Madison

Betty Westberry, friend’s mother in Georgia, PET scan revealed cancer in several locations. Prayers for strength and peace are appreciated.


General Reservoir

Please pray for our new evangelical film, 'THE FIRING SQUAD' movie. Theater release starting August 2, 2024. For a great harvest and providence. “Occupy till I come.”, says the LORD!!! THANK YOU FATHER!!! Thank you & God bless you all!!!

Amanda Yoder

General Starkville

Please pray that my husband would be disgusted by his mistress, repent and return to Jesus and our marriage wholeheartedly


General Madison

Pray for aunt in memory care with depression, dementia and long covid.